GraveDigger 4.4mm Balanced TRRRS Plug to Dual 3-Pin Male XLR Adapter / 4ft Length

Corpse Cable / Cardas Audio

  • $252.00

Our high-quality balanced 4.4mm TRRRS to Dual 3-Pin XLR GraveDigger Adapter made by our Corpse Cable team in Bozeman Montana allows a connection from a 4.4mm balanced output to any stereo / dual plug balanced XLR-type audio source. It’s the perfect choice to be used for a super-solid audio connection with home stereo receivers, headphone amps or preamps.

Superb 4x24 Cardas GraveDigger cable braid, top-shelf Neutrik XLR connectors and a super-conductive 4.4mm TRRRS balanced gold plug ensures a lifetime of solid connectivity. And everything is all joined up with 100% pure Cardas Quad Eutectic Solder. The unique Corpse Cable design allows for maximum cable flexibility with zero signal transmission loss and the sweet shrink work at the connectors means this is one high-quality adapter suitable for the best audiophile reference gear in your arsenal. Black / Red XLR connector boots allow for easy left / right channel identification during connection.

Corpse Cable provides a limited, lifetime warranty on our GraveDigger Cable products, to be free from defects in materials and manufacturing.

Corpse Cable offers superbly well-made, affordable quality headphone replacement cables and upgrade cords along with a great array of audio adapters and interconnects. All Corpse Cable products are stringently manufactured and terminated by hand at their facility in Bozeman Montana USA.

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