Corpse Cable Headphone Splitter - 1/4" Plug and Two 1/4" Jacks

Corpse Cable

  • $227.00

Sorry, this product is no longer available; we left this page up for reference only.

This adapter comes in handy when you're rationed only one headphone jack, but you have two listeners. Due to various impedance factors, you should only use a splitter for two pairs of the same headphones.


  • 1/4" plug and two 1/4" jacks
  • Switchcraft connectors
  • Tri-braid field geometry
  • Hyper-pure 19 AWG copper conductors
  • Terminated with Cardas quad eutectic silver solder

Corpse Cable provides a limited, lifetime warranty on all headphone splitters to be free from defects in materials and manufacturing.