GraveDigger 1/4" Male to 1/4" Female Headphone Cable Extension - 10ft

Corpse Cable / Cardas Audio

  • $359.00

Sometimes your headphones won't quite make it - all the way to the source, that is. In that situation, you want a headphone extension cable that doesn't add any audio degradation or grainy grit to the sound and always stays “dead quiet,” even when it gets moved around a bit.

Our Corpse Cable crew in Bozeman Montana has got you totally covered from end to end with our superior Cardas extension cable using the flexible, lightweight Cardas GraveDigger 4x24 cable braid. Top-of-category Neutrik 1/4” male and Switchcraft female plugs indicate Corpse Cable went all-out to find the very best plug type for the exact application required. Talk about attention to detail. Hand-terminated with pure Cardas solder at all joins, this may be the best-sounding - and the biggest bang-for-the-buck - headphone extension cable available anywhere. 

Corpse Cable provides a limited, lifetime warranty on our GraveDigger Cable products to be free from defects in materials and manufacturing.

Corpse Cable offers superbly well-made, affordable quality headphone replacement cables and upgrade cords along with a great array of audio adapters and interconnects.  All Corpse Cable products are stringently manufactured and terminated by hand at their facility in Bozeman Montana USA.

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